Shipping overview

Shipping overview

When shipping, you’ll get some of the best shipping rates in the country. You can book shipments and print your waybills directly from Bob Shop. There’s no need to sign up or open an account, and you can choose from these great courier companies: The Courier Guy, Internet Express, RAM, SkyNet and Fastway.

Shipping settings

Log on to your Bob Shop account and select Shipping settings under the seller tools section. You will now be prompted to set up your shipping defaults. Shipping defaults are there to help speed up the process of listing and shipping orders, but you can override these defaults on a per-item basis.

Handling time

Select a manageable handling time. This is the maximum time it takes you to have your order ready for collection by the couriers. It’s important to select an accurate handling time as customers will often purchase items based on this information. Shipping rebates are awarded based on meeting these times.

Parcel types

You can select from a list of predefined parcel types to make shipping quicker and easier. Instead of capturing weights and dimensions each time you want to ship something, select a parcel type from the drop-down list to simplify the process. If your parcel does not appear under the predefined parcel types, you can create custom parcel types by clicking on “Add custom parcel type”. Here you can enter the parcel name, dimensions and weight. 

Set up your collection addresses

Select “New collection address” to add the address where your parcels will be collected from. You can choose to add a residential or business address within South Africa. Search for the address in the search bar. Once populated, add can add any additional information that may be missing. Add any special collection instructions and contact details. Click on save and it’s done. You can add more than one shipping address and you can select a default. 

Customer collections

It is also possible to allow customer collections from any of your collection addresses. To do this, either set up a new collection address or edit an existing address. At the bottom of the address form, select "Allow buyers to collect from this address". By enabling this feature, a ll your products will be eligible for buyer collection.  

Shipping rates & rebates

You are billed for each shipment you create based on the weight and dimensions you supply when booking a shipment. It is important to account for these shipping rates when pricing your products on the platform. It is especially important to consider seller shipping rates when listing products in a "no reserve" auction. 

All fees are charged directly to your seller account. The rates are valid for shipments within South Africa.  Should the weight or dimensions supplied differ from the actual measurements of the shipped parcel, the appropriate fee will be charged to your account. You will receive a rebate for your for one shipment provided you ship your order within your stipulated handling time. That’s it. For up-to-date rates and a list of available couriers, please view the rates on your shipping settings page. 

Shipping fee

A shipment fee is a fee that is charged to the seller for sending a parcel to the buyer. It covers the cost of shipping and handling the package, and may vary depending on factors such as the weight, size, and destination of the shipment.

How to send your order

Once you are ready to send your order, log into your Bob Shop account and navigate to Selling > Sales . For each order with a valid payment, you will see “Book courier”, click on this. Select the appropriate parcel type from the drop-down, then click on get courier rates to see your options. Select the appropriate courier option and agree to the terms and conditions. You can now download your waybill and print it. The system will notify you when the parcel has been booked, collected, out for delivery and delivered. Your customers will also receive automatic updates along the way – you don’t have to do a thing. 

Do I really have to print out four waybills?

Yes, it's a requirement from the courier to print out waybills for each package being shipped. You can use smaller-sized waybills, such as A5 or A6, to reduce the amount of paper needed for printing. 

Can the buyer choose their own preferred courier?

As a seller, you are typically responsible for selecting the courier to ship your packages. During the booking process, you will have the option to select a preferred courier based on factors such as price, speed, and reliability. While buyers may have a preference for a specific courier, it's ultimately up to the seller to choose the courier that will be used for the shipment. However, buyers can still make requests for a specific courier to be used, and it's up to the seller to consider those requests and determine whether it's feasible to accommodate them. By selecting the right courier for your shipments, you can help ensure that your packages are delivered in a timely and reliable manner, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Videos: Shipping on Bob Shop

1. Shipping settings & handling time

2. Setting up shipping addresses

3. Setting parcel types 

4. Sending your order 

5. The buyer's checkout experience

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