How to mark an order as collected or received

How to mark an order as collected or received

Our latest feature empowers buyers to confirm when an order has been collected or received, providing sellers with quicker access to funds once the transaction is complete.

How it works:

  • Buyers: mark tangible orders as "Collected" and digital orders (e.g. vouchers or codes) as "Received."

  • Sellers: prompt buyers to confirm collection or receipt of their order to help release funds sooner.

Currently, this feature is only available on our web platform, but we're working on extending it to the app, which should be ready within the next two weeks.

For buyers: Mark an order as collected or received

1. Access the order:

  • Login and navigate to your order page.

  • Select the order you’d like to mark as "Collected" (for tangible items) or "Received" (for digital products).

2. Confirm receipt:

  • Click the button to mark your order as collected or received.

  • A pop-up window will appear prompting you for confirmation.

  • Confirming will release the associated funds to the seller, preparing them for the next payout cycle.

For sellers: Prompt buyer confirmation

1. Prompt the buyer for confirmation:

  • On your Sales dashboard, navigate to the order in question.

  • Select the option to prompt the buyer, which will trigger an email notification to remind them to mark the order as received or collected.

2. Buyer notification:

  • The buyer will receive an email with instructions to confirm receipt, encouraging a faster release of your funds.

This feature aims to create a more streamlined experience for both buyers and sellers. Thank you for your feedback, and stay tuned for the app update coming soon!

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