Fee rate card: Listing fees
Sellers pay a listing fee for each item listed in the classified format and in the service-related categories listed below:
The listing fee is R86.95 excluding VAT or R100.00 including VAT for the following categories:
- Property (sellers get one free listing per month)
The listing fee is R43.48 excluding VAT or R50.00 including VAT for the following categories:
- Automotive: Cars
- Automotive: Motorcycles, Boats & Other Vehicles, including motorcycle repairs (service)
- Cell Phones & Accessories: Prepaid & Contracts
- Cell Phones & Accessories: Services
- Holistic & Esoteric: Services
- Businesses & Websites for Sale
- Office Machine Rentals & Leases
- Music & Instruments: Services
- Photography: Services
- Adult Entertainment
To list in all other categories is free of charge.
The listing fee is payable whether a sale ensues or not. There is no success fee for items listed in the classified format and in the service-related categories.
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