Become a verified user

Become a verified user

Become a verified user on for a once off R100.00 (non-refundable) registration fee.  Bob Shop will submit your details for an identity check, credit check and a fraud check. Approval is at Bob Shop's discretion, based on the outcome of the checks. The process can take up to 21 days.

Verified users get the following benefits:
  1. An icon next to your username, indicating that you are a Verified user
  2. Increased peace of mind for buyers through the Bob Shop Buyer protection programme
  3. Eligibility to become a Store on Bob Shop

To become a verified user you must:
  1. Must be an approved advanced seller, to register for advanced seller status click here
  2. Have a valid South African identity document
  3. Complete the Bob Shop Verified user registration form
  4. Complete the indemnity form and email it to
  5. Copy the front page of your South African ID book and email it to
  6. Accept the Verified user agreement

Note: Bob Shop has outsourced the verification of identification documents, credit checks and criminal checks to LexisNexis Risk Management (I-Digital).

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